File nameSize (MB)RecordsGeographic coverageProgrammatic coverageall_pha_2000.zip0.66,412All PHAsAll applicable programsall_projects_2000.zip4.258,417All public housing, multifamily, and LIHTC projectsPublic housing, multifamily, and LIHTCcerts_vouchers_census_tract_2000.zip2.669,422All census tractsSection 8 Vouchers and Certificatesall_census_tract_2000.zip2.969,424All census tractsAll programsall_cities_2000.zip3.6178,757Cities, towns, villages, incorporated places, and Census Designated PlacesAll programsMapping PICTURE Data With a GISYou can bring PICTURE data into your GIS (Geographic Information System) in several ways:HOW TO CREATE NATIONAL HUD ASSISTED HOUSING LAYERS FROM A PICTURE OF SUBSIDIZED HOUSEHOLDS: Download the PDF file. MAP ALL HUD ASSISTED PROJECTS: Download the projects_data.exe file. Extract the file to your local computer. The file will contain fields for latitude and longitude. Using these fields, you can create a new shapefile/layer/coverage on your map. Refer to your GIS software documentation for help with importing a text file containing LAT/LONG data. You also may need to change the map projection in order for your points to display properly.MAP HUD ASSISTED PROJECTS IN ONE STATE ONLY: Create a query with projects as your geographic level. You may choose one or more programs, but can only query one state at a time. Be sure to include the variables subprogram, latitude, and longitude. The variable program_label will automatically be included in your output. Export your output to comma-delimited text, save on your PC, then import into your GIS software. Refer to your GIS software documentation for help with importing a text file containing LAT/LONG data.CREATE THEMATIC (COLOR-CODED) MAPS BY STATE: Create a query with state as your geographic level. Be sure to include the variable code, as well as any other variable you want to symbolize your map with, in your query. Export to comma-delimited text, then import into your GIS software using "spatial join" or similar command. You must already have state boundary files in your GIS. Refer to your GIS software documentation for help with importing data, joining with your existing county boundary files, and creating thematic maps.CREATE THEMATIC (COLOR-CODED) MAPS BY 2000 CENSUS TRACT: Create a query with census tracts as your geographic level. Be sure to include the variable code, as well as any other variable you want to symbolize your map with, in your query. The code variable will be in the following format:SSCCCTTTTTT (2-digit STATE FIPS code, 3-digit COUNTY FIPS code, 6-digit TRACT code)Export to comma-delimited text, then import into your GIS software using "spatial join" or similar command. You must already have the year 2000 Census Tract boundary files. Refer to your GIS software documentation for help with importing data, joining with your existing census tract boundary files, and creating thematic maps. It is best to only select census tracts for one county at a time.DocumentationView the Codebook (data dictionary describing all variables and values; PDF, opens in new window)Picture of Subsidized Housing 2000, full report (PDF file, opens in new window) Available for download soon$('#years-content-tabs-2000').tabCollapse(); Data
Documentation This Web site sketches a picture of nearly five million subsidized households across the United States. It includes: (1) Totals; (2) Indian Housing; (3) Public Housing; (4) Section 8 Certificates and Vouchers; (5) Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation; (6) Section 8 New and Substantial Rehabilitation; (7) Section 236; (8) Other HUD subsidies; and (9) Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Each line of data is identified by these key numbers, 1-9, in the second position of each data record.
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In the early 2000s, governments increasingly required support for IPv6 in new equipment. The US government, for example, specified in 2005 that the network backbones of all federal agencies had to be upgraded to IPv6 by June 30, 2008; this was completed before the deadline.[46][47][48][49] In addition, the US government in 2010 required federal agencies to provide native dual-stacked IPv4/IPv6 access to external/public services by 2012, and internal clients were to utilize IPv6 by 2014.[50] On November 19, 2020, the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued the latest U. S. federal government IPv6-only policy in its memorandum (M-21-07) directing all federal government agencies to complete at least 80% of the transition from IPv4 to the single stack of IPv6 by 2025.[51] Progress on the US government's external facing IPv6 services is tracked by NIST. The government of the People's Republic of China implemented a five-year plan for deployment of IPv6 called the China Next Generation Internet (see below).
In 2012, surveys conducted by the New Zealand IPv6 Task Force indicated that awareness of IPv6 had reached a near-universal level among New Zealand's large public- and private-sector organizations, with adoption mostly occurring as part of normal network refresh cycles. Most of New Zealand's ISP and carrier community have a test environment for IPv6 and many[quantify] have started bringing IPv6 products and services on-stream.[211] An increasing number of New Zealand government websites are available over IPv6, including those of the Ministry of Defence (New Zealand), Ministry for Primary Industries (New Zealand) and the Department of Internal Affairs. 2ff7e9595c